Stres kills neurons


by Eunice Veloso on Apr 10, 2024

Stress kills neurons.

The phrase is a bit of a “killer” but that’s what it has to be: to see if we wake up to the reality of some things.

And what causes the death of neurons? It can start with small memory losses (small things), some mental confusion; on the other extreme, it can develop into degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease. Just to name a few.

If we can eliminate stress? It's not that our body isn't prepared for stress. It is.

Our response to stress is what guarantees our survival. In emergency situations.

But no organism is prepared to endure 24/7 on a production basis of cortisol and adrenaline (stress hormones) without consequences, without losses to its ability to restore itself.

What our body likes most is balance. And he is always working to restore balance. But to restore balance it is necessary to provide conditions for neural restoration.

Stress kills neurons.

And CBD has some positive properties that can help with this neural restoration.

Stress kills neurons.



The good news is that, contrary to what was previously thought; In our body, neurons are not cells that die and that's it: they also reproduce in adulthood. It's called neurogenesis.

And there is yet another brain capacity that we have that is associated with neurogenesis: neuroplasticity. In other words, the ability to establish new neural pathways. This is the same as saying that where you previously followed path A of neural connections, you gain a new habit and start to follow a new path B of neurons.

And this happens when, for example, instead of brushing your teeth with your right hand, you also start brushing with your left hand. You get the same result (and with practice with the same perfection) but you are using a different neural pathway. This it works as a kind of a stimulus.




When mental fatigue starts to show signs, you inevitably need to take a break.

Sometimes life's circumstances require us to be almost superhumanly available.

But there's no need to push yourself to the limit of burnout or other serious psychosomatic consequences due to exposure to stress: it's time to take a break.

And these are strategic pauses in which we need to prioritize ourselves.

Prioritize the Self, Define the “What” (what you want), to Strategize the “How” and ensure that all of this is driven by a strong “Why”.

And for this entire Pause process you need mental clarity. To be able to continue the path in a more energized way. Physically and mentally.




What can you do to allow your body to restore itself?

The heart sets the pace for the pumping of blood, and it is the brain that is a kind of CEO of the physical states/mental states dynamic.

It is necessary to give it (the brain) conditions for restoration.

And part of this restoration involves neurogenesis (mentioned above), or the formation of new neurons.


@3.1 What can you do to promote neurogenesis and make use of your neuroplasticity, which you have in some areas of your brain, throughout your life?


  1. Sleeping well is essential. It is during quality sleep that the cells that form the myelin sheath are produced. Myelin is the insulating coating of neurons: it allows the transmission of nerve impulses, from one cell to another, to be carried out quickly. When myelin sheath is compromised, ruptured or non-existent, neurons are exposed and the transmission of nerve impulses is compromised. “Short circuits” or blockages in the transmission of impulses may also occur.
This is what happens to people with diseases such as multiple sclerosis.
Myelin degradation can cause a series of physical and cognitive changes, such as muscle weakness; tingling or numbness in the face, arms and legs; motor incoordination, memory problems, imbalance, urinary incontinence, among others.
  1. Learn new skills. Anything you learn, practice long enough to become a habit, to become proficient: promotes neurogenesis and creates new neural networks.
  1. Practice physical exercise. We all know that it reduces anxiety, tension and fatigue.But there is one more fact regarding aerobic exercise. Physical activity accelerates the maturation of stem cells, which are cells that help with tissue regeneration and promotes their transformation into fully functional adult cells. This neural process improves the long-term learning mechanism, which involves memory.
  1. Practice meditation. Reduces anxiety and mitigates the effects of stress: it effectively promotes neurogenesis and creates new neural connections. Gone are the days when meditating was considered an exotic lifestyle. Science already confirms that this activity has beneficial effects on the health of the mind and body.
  1. Give kisses, hugs and make love. Physical contact with people we trust has a positive impact on our neurons, even when we are exposed to threatening situations. The more consolidated a love relationship is, the greater the relief of emotional tension. Less emotional tension, less stress. Fewer stressful situations, fewer attacks on the myelin sheath. Less demyelination, less neuron death and fewer attacks on immunity.
  1. Food: from the practice of intermittent fasting, to a diet with calorie restrictions, the moderate use of caffeine and the fundamental incorporation of foods rich in omega 3, flavonoid terpenes and (phyto) cannabinoids, these are eating habits that promote growth of new nerve cells.
  1. Contact with nature. Perhaps it would be enough to say that it reduces anxiety and mitigates the effects of stress. But our relationship with nature is much deeper, it goes back to the beginning. There are even those who argue that we are genetically “programmed” to look for trees, plants and water from rivers or lakes. In a way, we share a common molecule: the H20 molecule. And to restore mental and physical balance, just get in touch with the original matrix.
Indeed, exposure to nature for at least 2 hours a week brings benefits to immunity, quality of sleep, and reinforces concentration. And all these benefits contribute to brain regeneration and the formation of new nerve cells.



When we say balance here, we mean restoring the organism to an optimized state, that is, homeostasis.

And homeostasis (ideal state of functioning) of the body is a primary function of the endocannabinoid system.

And since we already know that cannabinoids interact with our bodies through the endocannabinoid system: what do we know about the role of cannabinoids, specifically CBD, in the formation of new neurons (neurogenesis)?


@4.1 The effects of cannabinoids on neurogenesis (formation of new neurons), Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease and HIV-associated dementia


These results were obtained through experiments in mice.

One of the causes of neuron loss in Alzheimer's disease is caused by pro-inflammatory molecules, that is, inflammation induces neural death.

The anti-inflammatory property of CBD can prevent the death of neurons, but it can not only prevent but also promote neurogenesis (formation of new neurons) by reducing inflammation.

However, it is important to mention that high doses of CBD have the opposite effect.

They also obtained positive results in combining the use of CBD (cannabidiol) together with CBG (cannabigerol, another cannabinoid). In this case, there is a positive regulation of dopamine receptors, reducing their uptake and influencing the neuroplasticity process.

In the case of dementia caused by HIV, what inhibits neurogenesis (formation of new neurons) is inflammation in the neurons.

And here it is also the anti-inflammatory capacity of CBD that can reduce neurotoxicity.


@4.2. Effects of cannabinoids on the formation of new neurons in models of stroke and hypoxia (lack of oxygen in cells)/ischemia

Once again: animal testing.

And just for the record: we have neurons in the brain, but not only that. We also have them in the heart and intestine.

The loss of neurons can occur as a consequence of a cognitive disability due to Alzheimer's disease or Parkinson's disease, but it can also be due to a cerebrovascular accident (CVA) or ischemia due to accidents.

In the case of ischemia in rats, CBD proved to improve cognitive performance, which also has an impact on emotions, particularly anxiety.


@4.3 Effects of cannabinoids on neurogenesis in animals with acute and chronic stress


In animal tests, animals showed a decrease in neurogenesis (formation of new neurons) when exposed to stress stimuli. After taking CBD, the animals' anxiety levels were relieved.

Note that CBD did not modify the behavior of the mice. Stressed: and it affected the stressed only if hippocampal neurogenesis was occurring. In other words: For CBD to act as an anxiolytic, some neurogenesis activity must be occurring. This also means CBD is dose-dependent

On the other hand, high doses of CBD do not have positive effects: CBD loses its anxiolytic properties.

In a nutshell: the tests carried out on animals are encouraging and prove the versatility of the phytocannabinoid CBD in increasing the formation of new neurons (neurogenesis) in the animal models tested.

If stress and anxiety kill neurons, CBD can be a possible resource for the formation of new neural cells and promote the restoration and regeneration of the organism.







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